Communication Skills

How to Have an Honest Conversation (IAM0031)

Conversations that involve breaking bad news can be uncomfortable and awkward. However, it is important to have honest conversations to maintain healthy relationships and avoid potential problems. This course aims to provide guidance on how to have honest conversations effectively.

Course Objectives:
The course will cover the following topics:
- The importance of honest conversations
- Strategies for having honest conversations
- Dealing with fear and discomfort during these conversations

Why take this course:
By taking this course, you will learn how to have honest conversations that can improve your work and personal relationships. You will also gain the confidence to address difficult situations and reduce stress and anxiety associated with avoiding these conversations.

Honest conversations are essential for maintaining healthy relationships and avoiding potential problems. This course will equip you with the necessary skills to have these conversations effectively and with confidence.

Course Summary Descr...: Learn to have honest conversations, impr... Language: English Fee: Free Content type: SCORM package Course level: Beginner Course Length: 10

  • How to Have an Honest Conversation
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever