Leadership and Personal Development

Safe Place to Fail - Creating a Fail Fast Environment (iAM0261)

Failure is the key to innovation. When Sir Alexander Fleming’s experiments resulted in failure, he inadvertently discovered the antibiotic penicillin on a contaminated Petri dish. This discovery would change modern medicine across the planet and save countless lives. If he hadn’t failed, he never would’ve found penicillin.
As a leader, you want to encourage your employees to grow, experiment, and innovate. But how can they do this if they’re worried about getting it right 1st time? The answer is a ‘Fail-Fast’ environment in which they can try, fail, and learn quickly without worrying about getting it wrong. This course will help you implement Fail Fast and help you foster the correct type of failure.

Language: English Fee: Free Content type: SCORM package Course level: Beginner Content Source: iAM Learning Course Length: 5 minutes

  • Safe Place to Fail - Creating a Fail Fast Environment
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever