The Dangers of Night Working (iAM176)
Health and Safety
The Dangers of Night Working (iAM176)
Working nights can be challenging, even for superheroes like Batman. Our bodies are naturally programmed to sleep at night, and working against this natural rhythm can have negative effects on our health and well-being. This course...
Managing Shift Work (iAM177)
Business and Management
Managing Shift Work (iAM177)
Managing shift workers can be a challenging task for any business owner or manager. Balancing the needs of the business with the needs of employees can often feel like a juggling act. However, with the right techniques and...
Mental Health First Aider (iAM178)
Health and Safety
Mental Health First Aider (iAM178)
Mental health is an important aspect of overall well-being, and it is crucial to address it in the workplace. Mental-health symptoms can often be heightened while at work, and this is where mental-health first aiders come in. In this...
Kicking the Bad Habits (iAM180)
Health and Safety
Kicking the Bad Habits (iAM180)
Habits can be beneficial, but they can also have negative effects on our physical and mental well-being. This course aims to help individuals identify bad habits, understand common triggers, and create an action plan to replace them...
The Importance of Sleep (WE003)
Health and Safety
The Importance of Sleep (WE003)
Sleep is an essential part of our lives, and it can have a significant impact on our overall well-being. Lack of sleep can affect our mental and physical health, as well as our productivity at work. In this course, we will explore...
The Importance of Exercise (WE005)
Health and Safety
The Importance of Exercise (WE005)
Have you ever made a New Year's resolution to get a gym membership, but never followed through with it? It's a common struggle, but it's important to prioritize exercise for both physical and mental health. In this course, we'll...

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